Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Breast Cancer Awareness Reflection: Remembering My Aunt Joy

In totally unrelated to music news, It's October. This is one of the hardest months for me to get through because of three words: Breast Cancer Awareness. As much as I love giving awareness, I find it so difficult, for I had two family members that passed from it; One of those people being my Aunt Joy, who is pictured at the far right. She passed on June 6, 2013, and I will never forget how devastated I was after her funeral. Out of all of my Father's sisters, my Aunt Joy was probably the one that I could relate to the most; She was extremely hilarious, and I loved her wisdom and faith and God. I always wished that she could pass on her faith to me before I finished high school, but remembering that I could always keep her in my heart, I graduated knowing that she was proud of this accomplishment I made. One of my favorite moments with her was when I was about eight years old, she babysat me at one of her old houses about ten minutes away. We ate good food and plenty of snacks, and I always laughed at her when she made fun of the commercials on TV (especially the laxative ones, LOL). Before I left, her cat scratched me, and I was so dramatic about it, I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. All she did was put some alcohol and cream on it before putting a band-aid on it and laughed. After she did this, she told me this advice that I'll never forget, "It's okay. You're gonna have scars sometimes, but don't touch them! They'll heal soon!" I thought about this news when I found out about her passing, and I wished that my tears from my pillow could help me heal. Now almost four and a half years later, I am not totally healed from all my scars, but I definitely feel her presence and that advice that will never leave my mind. Aunt Joy, I love you so much, and I know you're proud of where I am. My next two degrees are dedicated to you, for they will be a remembrance of my scars that eventually healed because of a whole lot of FAITH. 

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -- John 14:27

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